GHG Engineer
- 138
- 0
- 0
- 회사개요 : 외국계 시험인증 기업
- 모집기간 : 채용시까지
◈ 직무 개요
1.Advisory service
- Consult on product carbon footprint and life cycle assessment readiness considering global trends
- Consult on calculating CBAM embedded emissions by EU CBAM regulation and drawing up the report
- Consult on calculating a carbon footprint of battery by EU Battery regulations and drawing up the report
2. Verification service
- GHG verification on corporate boundary by ISO 14064-1
- GHG verification of product carbon footprint by 14067
- Life cycle assessment critical review (ISO 14040, 14044)
3. Other duties
- Other duties assigned by Team Leader or IS Department Manager
- Consult on product carbon footprint and life cycle assessment readiness considering global trends
- Consult on calculating CBAM embedded emissions by EU CBAM regulation and drawing up the report
- Consult on calculating a carbon footprint of battery by EU Battery regulations and drawing up the report
2. Verification service
- GHG verification on corporate boundary by ISO 14064-1
- GHG verification of product carbon footprint by 14067
- Life cycle assessment critical review (ISO 14040, 14044)
3. Other duties
- Other duties assigned by Team Leader or IS Department Manager
◈ 경력 요건
- Education: minimum bachelor’s degree in environmental, mechanical engineering or equivalent
- Experience: At least, 1 ~ 3 years carbon footprints of product or life cycle assessment consulting experience
- At least, 1 ~ 3 years corporate carbon footprint experiences including Korean GHG regulation schemes
- GHG auditing experiences
- Life cycle assessment auditing experiences
- Experience: At least, 1 ~ 3 years carbon footprints of product or life cycle assessment consulting experience
- At least, 1 ~ 3 years corporate carbon footprint experiences including Korean GHG regulation schemes
- GHG auditing experiences
- Life cycle assessment auditing experiences
◈ 처우
- 협의
◈ 제출 기한
◈ 제출 서류 및 기타
- 영문 이력서 및 자기소개서
◈ 담당 컨설턴트
- 김동원 / 02-2016-6652 /
`24.07.31(updated. `24.07.31)